

Oxbridge International School

We are proud of our graduates and their achievements! Graduates of our school are not only people who have achieved high academic results, but also confident, purposeful individuals who are ready for new challenges and achievements in life.

Graduates 2022-2023

Икрамов Джахонгир

University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD), (business management)

Кодиров Асилбек

Tashkent Institute of Finance

Мухамедханова Асолатхон

Akfa University (medical faculty)

Разаков Асадулло

Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent (business management)

Маратов Дониёр

Westminister Intenational University in Tashkent и Moscow State Institute of International Relations

Разакова Гулнафар

Managemenr Development Institut of Singapore in Tashkent (MDIS).

Тангрибергенов Султон

University of Sheffield International College, (Science and engineering)

Universities where our students applied

Advantages for graduates of our school


Prestigious education

Our graduates receive quality education recognized by leading universities and colleges around the world. A high level of academic training opens the door to wide opportunities for further education and career growth.


A strong alumni community

Our school maintains an active alumni community where you can keep in touch with classmates, share experiences and establish new contacts. Annual meetings and events for graduates create excellent opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing.


Recognition and respect

Graduates of our school enjoy well-deserved respect and recognition in professional circles. Our diploma is a symbol of a high level of knowledge, skills and readiness for professional activity.


Global opportunities

Graduates of our school have the opportunity to participate in international exchange programs, internships and projects. This opens the door for them to the global knowledge and experience necessary for a successful career in the modern world.

Graduates 2023-2024

Contribution to the development of the school

Our graduates continue to participate in the life of the school, supporting various projects and initiatives. Their contribution helps the school to grow and develop, creating better conditions for future generations of students.

We are proud of each of our graduates and are glad to see how they successfully build their lives and careers. Your achievements are our pride and motivation to continue doing everything possible for high—quality education and comprehensive development of our students.

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