Using schemes and tables to improve a child’s memory


Schemes and tables for improving memory are effective tools that help structure and visualize information, making it easier to remember. These methods stimulate logical thinking and simplify the understanding of complex topics, making the learning process more interesting and accessible. The use of diagrams and tables to improve a child’s memory contributes to the development of the ability to analyze and organize information, improving concentration and long-term memorization.

Table of contents:

Why are schemas and tables effective?

  • Visualization of information: The human brain remembers visual information better. Diagrams and tables turn abstract data into visual images, which greatly simplifies the process of memorization.

  • Data Structuring: A clear structure helps organize information by breaking it down into logical blocks. This makes it easier to understand and memorize the material.

  • Reducing the amount of information: Diagrams and tables allow you to compactly present a large amount of data, highlighting key points and eliminating unnecessary details.

  • Associative thinking: Linking information with visual elements helps to form associations that facilitate the process of remembering.


How can I use schemas and tables to improve memory?

Step 1: Identify the key elements

Before creating a diagram or table, identify the main elements of information that you need to remember. These can be dates, events, terms, formulas, and other important data.

Step 2: Select the format

The choice of format depends on the type of information:

  • Tables are suitable for presenting data that can be categorized (for example, historical events and dates).
  • Diagrams are useful for displaying relationships between elements (for example, biological classifications or causes and effects).
Step 3: Create a visual representation

Use graphic elements such as arrows, blocks, colors and icons to make a diagram or table more visual and attractive. It is important that the visual presentation is simple and not overloaded with details.

Step 4: Explain and repeat

Repeat the material several times to fix it in your memory. When you regularly return to the studied material, you strengthen neural connections, which contributes to better preservation of information in long-term memory.


Examples of using diagrams and tables

Example 1: A table for studying history
Year Event Value
1492 The discovery of America by Columbus The beginning of the colonization of America
1789 The French Revolution The end of the absolute monarchy
1969 Landing a man on the Moon A breakthrough in space exploration

This table allows you to quickly remember key historical dates and their meaning.

Example 2: A scheme for studying biology

This diagram helps to understand the classification of animals and their main groups.

Tips for using diagrams and tables

  • Use colors: Color coding helps to highlight important elements and improves visual perception.

  • Add images: The inclusion of images and icons makes diagrams and tables more attractive and memorable.

  • Use different formats: Try different formats and choose the one that best suits the child’s specific material and learning style.

  • Interactive diagrams: Use programs and applications that allow you to create interactive diagrams and tables. This can be especially useful for children who prefer to work with digital technologies.

  • Regular updates: Periodically update and revise charts and tables so that they remain relevant and consistent with the curriculum.



Using diagrams and tables is a powerful tool for improving a child’s memory. This method helps to visualize and structure information, making the learning process more effective and exciting. Regular use of diagrams and tables in the educational process contributes to the development of analytical and cognitive skills, which has a positive effect on academic performance.

Oxbridge International School implements modern teaching methods, including the use of diagrams and tables, to improve the memory and cognitive abilities of its students. We strive to ensure that every child receives a quality education based on innovative approaches and advanced technologies.

For more information, please call +998 (71) 263-00-15 or visit our Oxbridge International School website. You can also read more interesting articles on our blog.

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