How to choose the right school for your child?


Choosing a school for a child is one of the most important decisions you have to make. This choice affects not only the academic success of the child, but also his personal development and socialization. In this process, it is important to consider many factors in order to find the best option for your child.

🤺 Identify your child 's needs

The first step in choosing a school is to understand your child’s unique needs and interests. Pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Learning preferences and abilities: Evaluate which subjects your child is most interested in and successful in. Perhaps your child needs additional classes in certain subjects or specialized programs for gifted children.
  • Special Needs and Interests: If your child has special educational needs or medical conditions, make sure that the school can provide the necessary support. Also consider the child’s interests in sports, art, or other extracurricular activities.

🕵🏻 Explore schools in your area

After determining your child’s needs, start researching schools in your area:

  • Reputation of schools: Learn about the reputation of schools, read reviews from other parents and graduates. Reputation can say a lot about the quality of education and the school atmosphere.
  • Feedback from parents and students: Talk to other parents whose children study at the schools in question. Their opinions and experiences can provide valuable information about the strengths and weaknesses of educational institutions.

🚶🏼‍♀️ Visit the schools in person

A personal visit to the school will help you get a better understanding of what it has to offer:

  • Impressions of the infrastructure and atmosphere: Pay attention to the condition of school buildings and classrooms, the availability of modern textbooks and equipment. Evaluate how comfortable and safe the school environment looks.
  • Communication with teachers and administration: Meet with the teaching staff and the school administration. Ask them questions about teaching methods, school rules, and student expectations. It is important to understand how open and willing teachers and administrators are to cooperate.

The kindergarten and the Oxbridge International School continue admission for the 2024-2025 academic year and invite all interested parents and students to an open day to be held on May 28, 2024. To participate in the event, you must register using the 🔗link. The kindergarten and school team is looking forward to meeting with parents and children to share their experience and knowledge and help make the right choice for your future.

💁🏼‍♀️ Compare study programs and extracurricular activities

Each school offers its own curriculum and extracurricular activities. Compare them to choose the most suitable option for your child:

  • The curriculum and its relevance to the interests of the child: Find out what subjects and programs are offered at school, and how they correspond to the interests and needs of your child. Make sure that the curriculum includes subjects and directions that are important to your child.
  • The presence of clubs, sections and additional activities: Extracurricular activities play an important role in the development of the child. Find out what clubs, sports sections and additional classes the school offers. This can be a decisive factor in choosing a school.

Choose a school for your child

Choosing the right school for your child requires careful analysis and thoughtful decisions. By considering your child’s needs, researching schools in your area, visiting them personally, and comparing curricula and extracurricular activities, you will be able to make informed choices. Remember that the right school is not only academic success, but also a favorable environment for your child’s personal growth and development.

If you are considering private education, pay attention to the Oxbridge International School in Tashkent. This school offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which is recognized worldwide for the high level of academic preparation and comprehensive development of students. At Oxbridge International School, you will find an individual approach to each child, modern teaching methods and a variety of extracurricular activities that will help your child reach their potential and succeed. By choosing Oxbridge International School, you are taking an important step towards a bright and successful future for your child.

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