The International Baccalaureate Initial Study Program (PYP)


The International Baccalaureate (PYP) Primary Education program is designed for children of preschool and primary school age, from 3 to 12 years old. Its main goal is to educate inquirers, or researchers, who are curious about both academic subjects and the world around them.

Here are the key features of the PYP program:

  • Research approach: Learning is based on children’s curiosity and encourages them to ask questions, look for answers on their own and draw conclusions.
  • International focus: The program promotes understanding of different cultures and points of view.
  • Personal Development: PYP focuses not only on academic achievements, but also on the social, emotional and physical development of the child.
  • Effective learning: Students actively participate in the learning process by completing projects and research.

Advantages of the PYP program:

  • Recognized worldwide: The PYP diploma is appreciated in many countries, making it easier to transfer to other schools.
  • Developing 21st century skills: The program helps children develop critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration skills.
  • Continuity of study: PYP lays a solid foundation for further study in International Baccalaureate (MYP, DP) programs.
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